Mullaloo Beach

Today at Mullaloo Beach

Status: 🟢 Open Facilities: 🟢 Open


About the beach

Mullaloo Beach has accessible toilets, parking, all terrain walker and beach wheelchairs. Tom Simpson Park overlooking the beach is also accessible with seating, picnic and bbq areas. The footpath from the carpark to the toilets is slightly steep. The beach is patrolled by Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club


Beach overview

  • Accessible Parking

  • Accessible Beach matting

  • Accessible Bathroom

  • Beach wheelchair availability

  • Accessible shade area

  • Retail within 150 metres

Accessibility Rating ★★★★4/5

Location: Mullaloo, WA, 6027



Beach Wheelchair availability

Accessible Beach Matting

Accessible Bathroom

Accessible Parking

Retail within 150 metres

Retail within 150 metres

Disclaimer - Some councils change their access requirements. It is worth contacting the SLSC to ensure they have their beach mat out and facilities available.




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For more information, please contact City of Joondalup.


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